Saturday, May 14, 2011


People who meet us always said that all of us should make a comedy series like "Friends" because all of us have very different characters.We are such dorks,we laugh too hard and we are way too LOUD! but all the differences and the time we spend tgether make us bestfriend forever! I miss all the fun that we've been through,all the sorrows that we face tgether.I miss the time when we always go everywhere we want to go with Haikal's fastest speed! hahaha and when we used to explore new places.Do u guys still remember that everytime my mom call,all of us panicked like its the end of the world! hahahaha like Haikal said its a "killer-code"! hahaha Haikal,Zarwah,Fich,and Ammar,all of u witness what ive been through and all of u are like my family and even my parents asked u guys to call them "daddy and mama".


HAIKAL RAHMAN : Everybody used to call him-the male version of Melia Wahman.haha.he's the most craziest and funniest guy i've ever met.although he looks like a mischevious guy but when it comes to serious matter he handle it very maturely.Always speeding over than 180 on the road.Wanna know what can make him drive fast? tune in to his techno tracks! hahaha.his tracks never fail to make me high.He is the first guy to ask my mom's permission and meet her to bring me and my Wahman sisters out for a movie.He is my doctor love,salute his psychology skills. :)

AMMAR NAEIM: He is the most cool guy ever! always happy and take things easily.haha.he's THE DIVA.loves to dance and sing with his girlishness.he's like my PA,always there when i need anything.he knws me well,and he can read my mind without me telling him anything.

ZARWAH MOHD: The most knowledgeable yet talkative person you'll ever meet! hahaha she's my twin from another parents.Shes an understanding friend and knows all about me in and out.Guess what? we were bestfriends since we're 10 and we just knew that our fathers are bestfriends too during their college times when we're 18.WOW! what a small world.

FICH FAHMI:We have loads of thing in common and he knws my signature language and he studies my signals well.haha.he knows me in and out too.he's the person that i can do anything with.He loves to sing and dance too and always gets high too! hahaha


Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Ok,Kate Middleton is married and so does my elder sister,Kuenida Wahman.Although im 19,but yeah i have my own dreams too u knw? age doesnt matter when it comes to achieve ur dreams and make it reality! haha like every girl..i always think im a princess eventhough my real name is Princess Amelia.Hope u guys will like it. :)


Oh Mr.Stranger,u dont have to propose me in front of the public,its like giving me pressure to say "i do!".It will be very sweet if its just me and you because me and you will against the world.We'll be like Bonnie & Clyde,live with each other and protect each other and tgether we live in our own adventurous world.All i need in this life of sin is just me and you,down the road til the very end its just gonna be me and u. <3 


I wanna ring that has your name and mine curved behind it because if i got into any accident and die,its like i die with u.


Below are the types of my wedding gowns,saree and baju nikah will be because i want them to be elegant yet lady like and look decent in the same time. :)

I want a fantasy wedding and Hindi wedding theme.I want a wedding like Cinderella, riding a royalty pumpkin haha because it shows the world that "hey! my prince is here!" and its time to start a new life.Hindi wedding will be so much fun and happening! :)


 I dont mind where its gonna be as long as we appreciate and love each other's company and just all that's matter. :)


I want 3 children,if can i want the first to be a boy and so does the second because they will beat up the guys who hurt my baby girl. And they are the luckiest creature on earth to have a mother who knws how to cook and bake like me hehe and i want to decorate their rooms like how they want it to be and as fr my baby girl,i want her room looks like shes living in a castle :)


Whoever the guy is,i hope we will live happily ever after. The end. ;)


Today im gonna show u guys what are inside my sliding closet! hahaha. Nothing special but its neat and the things have been arranged accordingly. :)

Monday, May 9, 2011


I love hindi movies a lot like so much and undescribable! i can speak their language and sing well because my mom is a pakistani.Hehe its in the blood baby! Below are my top 4 favourite movies! :D

This movie never fail to make me cry.I watched it for 7 times also will always cry at the same scene.I always watch it every Valentine's Day with my girls sleepover at my house and we cry tgether because of the movie and everytime when it comes to Valentine,we're single but we spend time tgether and create fun!

It is very a meaningful/funny movie about education,family,love and friendship.Same,never fail to make me cry too. Hehe and i love the Zoobie-Dooobie song hahaha.

It's the best animation movie with meaningful moral values and interesting characters/storyline.It tells that if you're bad,doesnt mean u'll be bad forever and bad in the inside.Love doesnt judge appearence.

Same like Megamind,if ur bad doesnt mean u'll be bad internally or eternally.I love those small minionsand the small girl.Its more about fatherhood. :)


You might think its funny but its fact! haha i do have my mood food. Ice-cream and cake are my bestfriend!

I'll have Baskin Robbin's (peanut buttter chocolate) double scoop or Secret Recipe's chocolate sundae.

I'll eat Secret Recipe's Oreo Cheese Cake/Marble cheese.


I know how to cook and bake and i love to do it to make myself busy.So far these are my bakeries: they are cupcakes and oreocheese cake.i baked cookies and brownies too before but unfortunately my camera was not with me that time.Other than bake,i know how to cook chinese and malay meals e.g. spicy chicken,butter prawn,ginger beef,fried rice etc. My mom said "no matter how high is ur position,in the end,girls must knw how to cook" .:)



My mom gave this bag to me because i always put my make-up all over the place haha.It is divided into four sections:eyeshadows/lipsticks/mascaras&eyeliners/foundation,concealer,compact powder&moisturiser.We must put on moisturiser on our skin before we put on any make-up,this is to prevent any unwanted skin problems.


Hey girls and guys,sorry i didnt update my blog for quite a long period because i was too busy with college stuff.So for tonight,im gonna tell u about my passion for make-up.So,i started to wear make-up and love them since i was 15 and i even used my own money to buy the make-up tools.Then i always watch make-up tutorials in and i always follow Michelle Phan's,u can youtube her too.Shes amazing.I just watch videos to have an idea about it and after that i will create my own make-up style.Ok this is the best part,i made a presentation about make-up last semester (my 2nd semester) and i got the highest mark! hehe and even some of the guys start to show interest in make-up especially about the concealer part.Concealer is like a make-up base to cover all your imperfections e.g. acne,baggy eyes and etc.Below are my make-up tools and i hope u love them! thanks for reading :)


Monday, April 25, 2011

Oh Mr.Stranger!

In my life,i'm waiting for a stranger,what should i do if im in love with a stranger?My soul will recognizes that stranger,he will comes and goes in my dreams.Come faster Mr.Stranger! my heart is restless for you.He will rob my thoughts with his passionate love.Because of him,i'll start to stay awake the whole night through,I pray that the hour of our meeting will arrive. Who is he? and where is he now? i dont know hehe ;) <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011


When my sister Enida got married,suddenly makes me think,how mine is going to be? i'm so single and available until now maybe because no guys want me hehe.I just talked bout this topic with my girls and our favourite lecturer few days ago when we had lunch tgether.I told them with confident:

"You'll see! one day there's a guy,we also dont know who is he gonna be,he will come up to me and stunt me with his love confession.He will and he's on his way"

My time will come! now i just have to chase my dream.I dont have to think bout it yet but if someone come into my life this period,i want a serious long relationship but now just let me chase my aim first.I know my worth and i refuse to settle.hehe. :D <3

Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm so ecstatic when my elder sister,Kuenida Wahman just got married to Danish yesterday (22/4/2011)! Their baby must be cute as my sis look a bit like chinese and the husband is pure pakistan like my mom! hehe Yeay! their love won finally! and hope they lived happily ever after.Kindda sad when u lost one of your sisters and now she has her own life and family.Im happy for her! can't wait for my second sister's wedding soon! haha probably another 2 years from now,since she's getting older haha.We're the happiest crowd alive! HAHA <3 Can't wait for her reception! and my coming soon niece/nephew hehe and so excited to do baby shower for her baby soon! :D

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I've experienced a lot of relationships,they come and go from my heart and leave my world colder after each betrayal.Let me spread my love and dance on my sorrows,i'm all alone.Because of love i'll be lonely,because of love i'll be happy,because of love i'll be sad,because of love now i'm single.Even if  love can make the rainbow gone or the sun goes away but i'm so sure in my heart, LOVE cant even kill me. :) <3


If we're in love,theres lot of terms and conditions.We have to take care of our family reputation,you might think you're going out alone but always remember that your family reputation will always follow you everywhere you go.So im gonna tell all of you hows my future love with my future guy will be:

1) When i'm with him,i'll find a place that everyone can see so that there will be no 18SX actions.

2)We can look at each other but dont touch,eventhough we wont sit closely,we'll leave a space in between but dont worry because it says that the love will increase more.It's ok if we're shy and blushing.

3)And to my future guy,i dont know who you are but when we're in love,dont take so long to be in a relationship if our hearts are one,send your family to seek permission from mine to be yours.Dont let me fall into other guy's hand ok? :) <3

Saturday, April 9, 2011


When the sun light arise,i am the fresh new me again,waiting for something that sure will happen to me one day.I dont know the meaning of love,but in my laughter...i will still shy and blush when a guy approaches me.I'm just a girl who is still exploring the feelings that everyone will sure has in them.If i start to fall in love,Daddy please let me take my gift of life from Him.I believe in true love and i'm sure one day he will come.My prince charming is on his way,he's slow but he's coming,God let me meet all the dark knights so that i will learn from my mistakes to love him perfectly.And he will be the answer why the other guys cant make it to my future. :) <3

Melia Wahman or Puteri Amelia?

Have u ever imagine if you're at my place for awhile? Imagine all the pain and joy that i've been through,no one knows bout it.Maybe soon you will know how it feels to face those suffocating words.It is very hard for me to confess but if you understand me sincerely..i wont stay away frm you.I still have long stories to tell and write in the future.When it comes to love life,nothing can stop my love and please stop all the words that lead to rumours.So can u imagine? if you're at my place just for awhile readers? i wont ask more <3


Oh My God! i miss to blog so i start blogging back,u guys must have miss my blog.Before this i have my own gossip girls blog which talks more about students in KBU and it was inspired by the Gossip Girl haha yeah im a big fan.So bout this blog,just ignore the status because this blog is about me from the inside for my readers to know the real me.So stay tune :)