Monday, May 9, 2011


I love hindi movies a lot like so much and undescribable! i can speak their language and sing well because my mom is a pakistani.Hehe its in the blood baby! Below are my top 4 favourite movies! :D

This movie never fail to make me cry.I watched it for 7 times also will always cry at the same scene.I always watch it every Valentine's Day with my girls sleepover at my house and we cry tgether because of the movie and everytime when it comes to Valentine,we're single but we spend time tgether and create fun!

It is very a meaningful/funny movie about education,family,love and friendship.Same,never fail to make me cry too. Hehe and i love the Zoobie-Dooobie song hahaha.

It's the best animation movie with meaningful moral values and interesting characters/storyline.It tells that if you're bad,doesnt mean u'll be bad forever and bad in the inside.Love doesnt judge appearence.

Same like Megamind,if ur bad doesnt mean u'll be bad internally or eternally.I love those small minionsand the small girl.Its more about fatherhood. :)

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